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Attendance Codes for Progress Book

This is for all parents preschool through 12th grade to help you understand the attendance codes you will see
when you log into parent access in Progress Book.


Code Description
A Absent
U Unexcused Absence-Truant
P Partial Absence - 90 minutes during the day (leave and return)
E Early Dismissal - less than 90 minutes at the end of the day
B Unexcused Tardy (overslept, missed bus, late to home room or first period, etc.)
T Excused Tardy (Doctor/Dentist Appointment, etc.)
M Home Instruction
F Field Trip
I In-School Suspension
S Out-of-School Suspension
H Half-Day Absent
C KG/PreS only absent half-day Excused Absent
D KG/PreS only Unexcused Absent
J Arrive 8:16-10:30 a.m./Leave excused
K Arrive 8:16-10:30 a.m./Leave unexcused