This is for all parents preschool through 12th grade to help you understand the attendance codes you will see
when you log into parent access in Progress Book.
Code | Description |
A | Absent |
U | Unexcused Absence-Truant |
P | Partial Absence - 90 minutes during the day (leave and return) |
E | Early Dismissal - less than 90 minutes at the end of the day |
B | Unexcused Tardy (overslept, missed bus, late to home room or first period, etc.) |
T | Excused Tardy (Doctor/Dentist Appointment, etc.) |
M | Home Instruction |
F | Field Trip |
I | In-School Suspension |
S | Out-of-School Suspension |
H | Half-Day Absent |
C | KG/PreS only absent half-day Excused Absent |
D | KG/PreS only Unexcused Absent |
HIGH SCHOOL only | |
J | Arrive 8:16-10:30 a.m./Leave excused |
K | Arrive 8:16-10:30 a.m./Leave unexcused |